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5 Fun Facts about Feet
How Our Knowledge Benefits Your Employees

When we develop work and safety footwear, we are committed to continuously applying the knowledge we have about feet. We need that knowledge when producing shoes and accessories, and when guiding on the footwear that best supports and provides comfort to users, every day they go to work. 
Our feet are our foundation, and their construction is impressive. But all feet are different. Some are wide, some are narrow. Some feet have higher arches than others, some swell or sweat more than others during the day. On top of that, some feet may have challenges such as fallen arches, being flat-footed, having bunions, etc. 

Feet carry you and your employees every day throughout life, and the wrong footwear can, for example, cause changes in your gait pattern, which can propagate unfavorably through the body. Therefore, it's never irrelevant what you or your employees wear on your feet. The footwear should fit the feet that wear them. 

It is therefore also important to know how to take care of your feet and how to be aware of choosing the most optimal shoes for your own or your employees' needs. 

You know feet are different, but did you know this?:  

  • The foot consists of 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles. Together, they make up a completely unique shock-absorbing system. With each step we take, we expose the body to shock from the surface we walk on. There are significant forces at play, and if the shock-absorbing system in the foot doesn't function optimally, it can propagate negatively through the body. 
  • When you walk, your foot is loaded with 1½ times your body weight. When running, it's up to 2-4 times your body weight. 
  • Feet have over 200,000 sweat glands combined. Sweaty feet increase the risk of friction and thus also blisters and discomfort. Warm and sweaty feet can also be a breeding ground for fungal infections. To ensure a good climate in the shoe, we recommend that you and your employees, for example, have two pairs of shoes to switch between. This significantly extends the lifespan of both pairs as well. 
  • Over the course of a year, the average foot takes about 2.5 million steps. That's equivalent to walking around the Earth about 2 times during your whole life!
  • Feet are largest at the end of the day, so it can be advantageous to try on and buy new shoes in the afternoon.

The sensory organs and nerve pathways of the feet - A whole chapter on their own

During a typical workday, we may not necessarily notice our feet. Sensory nerve pathways in the feet work constantly, taking good care of them. The nerve pathways send signals to the brain about how the feet are feeling and about the surface we're walking on. 

The many sensory inputs from the foot are crucial for our ability to maintain balance. Therefore, it's essential for the shoes to fit snugly on the foot. This way, our sensory organs in the feet have the best possible contact with the surface you're walking on and can constantly assist in good balance, no matter what surface you're working on. 

The senses in the foot also have the task of informing your brain if your sock is wrinkled or if you've got a stone in your shoe. These signals are important to listen to, as you can unconsciously change the way you walk to avoid discomfort in your shoes. The altered gait pattern can be unfavorable and cause other discomforts that can propagate elsewhere in the body. Therefore, it's important to listen to these signals to avoid unfavorable changes. 

The sensory inputs from your feet are thus both crucial for your balance and important for the daily protection of your feet. They help us react to different surfaces and avoid discomforts like wrinkled socks or stones in the shoe. By listening to these signals and ensuring that the footwear you or your employees wear is comfortable and has the right fit, the risk of injuries, both in the short and long term, can be minimized. 

Prioritizing fit and comfort: The key to health and well-being for your and your employees' feet  

Our feet are incredibly complex, and their health is crucial. It's important that they feel good in all footwear, but especially in what you or your employees wear for many hours during a workday. 

With over 26 bones, 33 joints, the many muscles, and a network of sensory nerve pathways, the feet are fundamental for, among other things, our balance and well-being. Feet can be as different as we are people on Earth and therefore require individual attention. 

By choosing shoes that fit correctly and support the foot, the risk of injuries and discomfort, which can affect our daily work and quality of life, can be reduced. So, the next time you invest in work or safety footwear for yourself or your employees, remember to prioritize fit and comfort to ensure healthy and happy feet. Because it's not irrelevant what you or your employees wear on your feet. You have to carry them throughout life. 

If you're unsure how to choose the right shoes for your employees, we’re here to assist you. Reach out to our consultants, and they will provide you with guidance. Additionally, you have the opportunity to book appointments for 3D scans of your employees' feet. We come to your company, and together we'll find the right shoes with the most optimal fit for each of your employees. Contact us here. 

References (in Danish): 
1. Niels Honore, ”Flotte fantastiske fødder”, Krop&Fysik, 2015 
2. Danske Fysioterapeuter, ”Sunde Fødder”, Krop&Fysik, 2012

3. L.E. Chicharro, G.N Gijon, R.R. Sanchez, N.A.Martínez, “The influence of sock composition on the appearance of foot blisters in hikers”, Journal of Tissue Viability,  2022 
4. Alt om foden – Danske Fysioterapeuter (2022):